General Information
Humanity is a relatively young civilization among the stellar nations. But ambitious and audacious as hell. Born in the little-studied sector of the Universe, mankind presented itself to the galactic community as a strong and self-sufficient nation with a powerful military force and balanced economy capable of affording a mighty stellar fleet.
Political Order
Despite its name the human state is more a confederation than an empire. Colossal distances and lack of decent communication means make it impossible to maintain a strongly centralized power system. Formally, at the head of the state stands the Emperor who chooses his heir among the candidates proposed by the noble houses. The House of Lords then votes to approve the heir as the Crown Prince and Grand Duke of Mars. From this moment the prince loses all ties with the family. Refuses all other titles, standings and heritage. Since that moment the Empire is his life. Of course, this political system breeds rivalry between the noble dukes and the houses of the Empire. Second to the Emperor are the Cabinet of Ministers and the House of Lords. The House of Lords is the upper chamber of the parliament, which includes representatives from all planets of the Empire. The number of representatives depends on the population of the planet. Each star system has its own House of Representatives which deals with local affairs.
The largest influential houses of the empire
- The Rague – is home to the first emperor;
- Rendel-Higgins is a house created from spouses who have discovered the stars for humanity. They are the patrons of science;
- Chu Luo – a powerful Chinese dynasty. The head for the eyes is called “The Little Emperor”; To date, the head of the house Chu Loo is the prime minister of the empire.
- 4.The Vigener dynasty is a permanent tin soldiers, traditionally supporting the crown; 5. House Alvariz is a powerful dynasty, whispering that it is closely connected with the underworld.
A separate stratum of the population is the nobility. Since maintaining and developing the army at space distances is a task of utmost difficulty, the Empire had to actually restore feudalism. Besides the standard institutions of society there are noblemen. This is a caste of professional warriors that are the first to answer the call, the first to blaze a trail. As the knight’s vow goes: “We are the shield of mankind that will protect peaceful life from dangers. We are the sword of mankind that will destroy any threat.” Each nobleman can choose from two ways of life. Abandon the title and live a normal life like all others. Or keep the title and get the knightly privileges with obligation to take up arms whenever the Empire calls, and be the force that stands in harm’s way. Obviously, the presence of such a privileged population stratum creates social friction. But due to its wise and farsighted policy the Empire managed to defuse crisis situations so far. Most of them.
Who represents a human Army on tabletop?
Lieutenants are a link that holds the Human army together. Lieutenants coordinate various units and thanks to them the Forces of Humanity act as a well-oiled machine. They are equipped with improved means of communication and detection. Observing the battlefield through the eyes of other soldiers they can accurately assess any situation and issue orders that mean the difference between victory and defeat.
Lieutenant is not so much a rank as a position on the battlefield. Often this role is fulfilled by high-ranking Knights, Order Grandmasters, mechanized troops commanders or other heroes of humanity. An army without a Lieutenant is a body without a head.
Noble House Squire
Squire is a young knight that recently received a suit of armor, but nevertheless is already a deciding factor on the battlefield. Squires of noble blood rush to prove their strength in battle. Armed with a plasma sword or spike hammer, squires inflict terrible damage in melee, and their heavy armor allows them to pass unharmed through the densest enemy fire. In order to add tactical flexibility, a squire can take a heavy beamer that allows to destroy enemy light infantry from afar.
This model represents lady Viscountess Helen Rosenko-Alvarez, whose rescue pod crash-landed on Gryphon 22-4.

Noble House Knight
“Knight” class armor embodies the essence of knighthood of the future!
Knights have access to various weapons, the main of which are traditional types such as a plasma sword or a plasma spike hammer, produced using cutting-edge military technology. A cause for the rebirth of melee weapons was the appearance of the “Knight”-class armor.
In the modern history of mankind, battles took place primarily in space, and boarding action, as an effective means of capturing an enemy ship, was common practice. A heavy manned combat suit was developed, which, in confined spaces, was able to withstand an anti-tank missile hit and continue the mission.
It also turned out that ancient melee weapons were more effective than standard small arms since corners and barricades could not provide cover against a knight with a plasma weapon. A knight armed with such melee weapons also made it difficult for enemy troops to retreat into neighboring compartments or to new fortified positions.
Over time, knight armor became widespread among the noble houses of humanity, which in turn led to the restoration of medieval knightly traditions. The phenomenon was called Neo-Knighthood.
Main types of Knight weapons:
1. Plasma Sword – is a convenient and practical weapon that allows the owner to use fencing techniques. It is often used by knights to fight each other during tournaments. Status weapon that allows you to use fencing techniques. Powerful but not armor-piercing weapon, which is often used in collisions with other knights when it is necessary to stop the enemy in a mighty armorsuit, but not to kill him.
2. Plasma poleaxe – Iconic weapons of knights came to us from the Middle Ages. The large size of the weapon made it possible to hide powerful generators in it, and the design made it possible to build a powerful armor-piercing weapon which for many years became the main tool of knight’s battle on the narrow corridors of the space station and during assault operations.
3. Rail Cannon – Sir Reginald of Alois once said: “Glory is gained on the battlefield when your enemy is defeated. So why stick your neck out if you can rip the enemy into pieces with one shot?” Hound tank’s rail cannon in the hands of a knight illustrates this statement perfectly.
4. Knight’s heavy beamer – is a weapon that is used against light and maneuverable targets. Its rate of fire and armor-piercing capability allow knights to destroy or cripple anything or anyone who does not want to engage them in close combat. The weapon is relatively light, so it can be operated with one hand, leaving the other one free for use of any melee weapons except for the heaviest ones.
5. Plasma spike hammer – like its ancestor, the plasma spike hammer is used to fight heavily armored targets. A narrow “beak” with a high-intensity plasma field cuts through thickest armor and bunker walls like through butter. Where are different types of such a weapon like Plasma Hammer or Plasma hatchet, they are different in shape but same in use.
Noble House Sergeants
What is the Knight? Some would say that the Knight is a man clad in heavy armor and almost impossible to kill. The other would say that the Knight is a man of high principles, morale, and chivalry. All of these are true, but first of all the Knight is never a one man. He is always surrounded by servants, in battle – by Sergeants.
Noble House Sergeants are the Knight retinue, their main task is covering the knights back, pinning the enemy to the ground, and evacuate the wounded master if required. They are trained professionals who wear heavy infantry armor and armed with knight class weapon.
Some Sergeants can even become nobles for the greatest achievements in the battlefield. To join the noble house on an equal footing – is a dream of many sergeants.

Astroborne Infantry Squad
Mobile infantry is the backbone of the human military. Equipped with protective exoskeletons and armed with effective weapons, possessing combat experience throughout the history of mankind and genetically predisposed to war – is a force to be reckoned with.
The MA4 a5 Mobile infantry armor is a standard issue closed circuit armored exoskeleton. Granting protection against hazardous environments, it also controls the operator’s status and is capable of providing automated first aid. The suit also has an extensive sensor array to monitor tactical situation. Besides that, each MA4 a5 is equipped with a rebreather with 4 hours’ worth supply of oxygen, a 5-liter water tank and a power supply unit granting 80 hours of autonomous operation
Colt M6a3 laser rifle is the infantry’s best friend. Each one comes with an underbarrel 20-mm launcher. And of course this complex and modular high-tech weapon system cannot show its true potential without a targeting computer synchronized with the infantryman’s armor. Soldiers can see what their rifles see and they don’t need to aim down the sights to shoot accurately, as they always have a crosshair projected into their visors.
Humanity’s infantrymen are capable of performing various functions on the battlefield, be it defense, assault or securing objectives. To ensure such versatility each squad has a drone that serves as a transporter, mobile cover and fire support platform.
FWP 12 Drone (“Mule”)
Field Weapon Platform 12 is an infantry support drone that carries heavy weapons, additional equipment and a battery charging system, as well as an oxygen compressor, and any other ammunition that a mobile infantry squad may need in a long raid. It can also carry heavy tactical shields. Mule is an essential asset of the squad.
Unlike earlier models, this three hundred kilogram armored assistant has four legs instead of tracks, which increases its maneuverability and controllability. This robot has a relatively low level of Artificial Intelligence. A regular specialist can operate the drone or its weapon manually. Mule can also carry a Viper reconnaissance drone.
Soldiers can easily use this machine not only as a weapons platform but also as mobile cover.FWP 12 is fully adapted for transportation by “Flounder” armored carriers, in which case it can act as a second, remotely controlled turret.
Armament options:
- Javelin Mk3 ATGM (4 shots). Multi-purpose missiles for taking down heavily armored targets in the air and on the ground. The main anti-tank weapon.
- Browning MV75 Heavy Beamer. Rapid-file laser on a turret with impressive elevation angles. This weapon is capable of devastating heavy infantry or lightly armored vehicles at distances up to 500m.
- 83mm Mortar. A heavy indirect fire weapon that can be loaded with several types of shells: fragmentation, high-explosive, phosphorous-inflammatory and armor-piercing. Shells are equipped with a controlled detonation system and provide a wide range of opportunities for artillery shelling of enemy targets.
- Heavy Tactical Shield. A police and riot control option that includes two shields installed on hydrawlic mounts.

Self-propelled Howitzer “Scorpion”
A rare weapon system that the Astroborne infantry corps uses when CAS and orbital support are not available. “Scorpions” are fast and stealthy vehicles that can quickly move up, fire and reposition before the enemy strikes back.
High mobility and a wide firing angle range of the rail howitzer make it exceptionally versatile. The turret is only partially armored, providing protection only for the loading mechanism and breech assembly.
The hull of the “Scorpion” is relatively low-profile, with six crawler wheels. It also has four support stands to ensure stabilization on uneven surfaces when firing in any direction.

М4А2 “Hound” tank
The main tank of the Earth’s armed forces. High-speed shunting machine. In combat, such a vehicle is remotely controlled by a humans operator. The tank can also perform tasks independently based on the solution of onboard artificial intelligence.
– artificial intelligence of the autonomous system
– 105mm rail gun with armor-piercing and high-explosive shells.
– two heavy high-speed emitters caliber 40mm 150kW pulse
Rangers are elite astrobornes. They are the best astroborne corps, trained hard, these soldiers are tasked with taking the forward positions and guiding the artillery fire. They carry special relay beacons with them, once deployed these beacons allow to maintain contact with command even deep inside the enemy territory.
Ranger sharpshooters
If the Rangers are elite astrobornes, the Sharpshooter Rangers are the elite among the elite. Such specialists are a few but they are deadly. Their main task is eliminating enemy officers and key enemy models. Range-finder drone is the second sharpshooter, and provides target information of guiding. Most sharpshooters say the RFD is their best friend.

The P-I operators are the 47 separate ranger regiment, officially the ranger elite. The best hand picked rangers and trained by special, top secret, program. But in fact they are something much more.
When humanity found that it wasn`t alone in the universe, it understood that it need not only to improve weaponry and technologies but also to evolve itself swiftly under time pressure. Thus the top secret Poltergheist project was born.
The Poltergheist project is based on the human DNA manipulations that allow to unlock the dormant psionic capabilities in specially trained humans.
First two Poltergheists showed terrifying success. So powerfull and dangerous they become that government decided to restrict the project and limit the next project participants powers.
The P-I operators was created.